
Learn More About Hair Transplantation

Hair Transplant Infection

The most important thing that a person expects from a hair transplant procedure is the best result. The best result means that the transplanted hair does not fall out, and the patient does not encounter serious complications. However, even if it’s rare, hair transplantation infection is a risk you should take before getting a hair transplantation surgery.

A possible infection on the newly transplanted hair is maybe the worst scenario. There could be several reasons for a possible infection during or after hair transplant surgery. There are also different infections in terms of their severeness. In many cases, infection is the result of poor surgical performing on the scalp. Surgeons and other medical staff don’t give the utmost care while performing the hair transplantation procedure and weak hair follicles become vulnerable to threats.

Infection can be seen in certain parts of the scalp but it can also spread through the whole scalp. There are horrible photos of infected hair follicles after hair transplantation surgery.

Will Hair Transplant Fail After Infection?

This mostly depends on how bad the infection is. In some cases, it can be taken under control without spreading and damaging to the tissue, scalp and hair follicles. If the surgeon does not fail to treat the infection, your hair transplant will be just fine and you can go back to your normal recovery state.

However, there are some other cases in which the infection is can not be taken under control and affects the whole tissue, scalp and hair follicles. The following photo shows a hair transplant patient whose scalp and every single hair follicles have infected.

If a patient experiences a partial infection that the surgeon fails to cure, this may result in the scalp and tissue die. This situation is called skin necrosis. There are partial black spots where the skin and tissue cells in that area are actually dead because of the infection.

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