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Baldness Treatment

Baldness is probably one of the worst things that could happen to a young person, especially to a man. Since hair loss is mostly associated with men, I would like to tell you some crucial things about baldness treatment over this terrible problem in the eyes men.

Baldness, or the most common type of it, male pattern baldness is transferred via heredity. This means that you can thank your father for the good genes. You can’t be sure if you’re really suffering from a permanent hair loss or not unless you notice a recedign hairline situation on your scalp.

You should get your scalp checked a couple of times to make sure that you’re really suffering from a permanent hair loss type or not. There are temporary hair loss types like shock hair loss which occur mostly after hair transplantation procedures.

Baldness can not be treated with drugs, lotions or creams. It is true that some hair growth products like minoxidil can achieve a little success in your hair loss areas, especially on the crown area. However, this is not considered a success by many experts because of the drug’s working principles.

Products like minoxidil and fenastride make little and weak hair follicles grow bigger and longer. People think that their scalps grow new hair follicles which is a common misconception because they already have those hair follicles.

About the so-called success of these products, the reason why most experts criticize them is mostly associated with it’s long term use. Once you use such products, you will need to use them forever because their effects are not permanent. If you stop applying these products on your scalp, your boosted hair follicles will return to their previous little size.

The best thing that you can do about the baldness is a possible hair transplantation procedure. You can get some real and strong hair on your hair loss areas again. Besides, the hair follicles from the back of the head are strong ones, meaning that you are not likely to suffer from further hair loss on the same areas.

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