
Learn More About Hair Transplantation

Who is the Good Candidate for Hair Transplant?

The most important issue for a person who would like to get a hair transplantation procedure is if he’s suitable for it or not. A hair transplantation surgery involves the extraction of the follicles from the donor area of the scalp and the plantation of these follicles on the recipient area. There may be several reasons that may affect the suitability for hair transplantation. These reasons may be caused by the possible donor area, overall health condition of the person and the area where the person has been suffering from hair loss.

Before considering hair transplantation, one should do whatever it takes to find out what’s the main reason for his/her balding hair. Getting the hair transplantation before figuring out the main reason behind the hair loss could be even more dangerous because the transplanted hair may also fall out. If the individual’s hair is predisposed to bald, it’s always best to avoid hair transplantation surgery because the new hair will also fall out just like before.

A Good Hair Transplant Candidate Features

In order to get the perfect hair transplantation surgery, one has to meet some requirements. The best doesn’t mean the build the not-balding hair only. Here are the most important features of a good hair transplant candidate:

  • Intense hair on the donor area of the scalp
  • A good overall health condition
  • No chronic or lifetime disease like diabetes or cancer
  • Young or middle age
  • Hair roots need to be strong and deep
  • Hair units should be strong and thick, not thin or weak.
  • No serious heart disease
  • No chemotherapy sessions

Getting the best procedure is about finding the best surgeon. No one knows you better than you do. Inform your plastic surgeon about your overall health condition and consult a previous doctor of yours about your health history. Your plastic surgeon will build the best procedure for your health history and current condition.

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