
Learn More About Hair Transplantation

Hair Transplant and Alopecia Areata

Alopecia Areata is a type of hair loss in which a person experiences partial hair loss in one or more areas of his body. Alopecia areata generally hits the scalp hair and can be seen in several different sizes. It may bring permanent or temporary hair loss to your hair. The reason for alopecia areata is still unknown but most experts claim that high-stress, depression, and hormonal changes in the body may cause such skin diseases. People with alopecia areata who would like to see their old hair on the head again have some options. The best solution is a possible hair transplant procedure. Hair transplant and alopecia areata are generally associated together because a hair transplant gives the best results in such a situations.

Alopecia areata can hit the scalp in just one part or more than one part. It is an autoimmune disease which means that your own immune system targets your hair follicles and kills them. No virus or bacteria is the reason for alopecia areata, however, environmental factors and poor nutrition are considered reasons for alopecia areata.

Can I Get Hair Transplant On Alopecia Areata

You should see a dermatologist and get your scalp checked. Your alopecia areata may still be affecting your scalp at the moment. Once you’re sure that your alopecia areata has stopped its activity on your scalp, you may start considering getting a good hair transplant. Surgeons accept the hair transplant jobs on alopecia areata suffered parts on the scalp.

Hair transplant on the alopecia areata area is actually an easy job, however, patients should not lie about their medical history. If you had had any skin diseases in the past, you should tell your doctor about it. In some cases, alopecia areata can hit beards as well. However, beard hair hit by alopecia areata usually grows back.

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